Monday 24 September 2007

Vilnius - Day 3

Unfortunately, being a Sunday not much was happening in Vilnius. I did quite a bit of laundry and then headed to the bus station to go to Trakai, a castle. At the station, I met an older American couple from Kansas, and we chatted for a while while waiting, and on the bus. The lady selling tickets on the bus was balding, had a moustache, and was possibly the most unhappy looking person I have ever seen. While only 28 km away from Vilnius, the bus ride took an hour due to the various stops that we made. When we arrived, I said goodbye to the Americans and walked the three kilometres to the castle. On the way, I stopped at a Karamai restaurant. Apparently the Karamai are a Jewish sect that settled in Trakai in the 14th century. There are a handful remaining. The food at the restaurant was quite good, and I watched part of the MTV Video Music awards while eating. I'm not sure why they were showing them. After eating I went to the castle, which is pretty tacky. It was rebuilt in the 1950s by the Russians and now looks totally fake. It was swarming with tourists. The surroundings of the castle are quite beautiful though, being located on an island in a lake. I also stopped at the small Karamai museum on the way back to the bus station. When I got back to Vilnius, I desperately wanted to use the internet, but the cafe I had gone to on the previous two days was closed. My book recommended one that is very far from the centre, and so I went there but was disappointed to discover that I could not find it. I headed for dinner at a traditional Lithuanian restaurant where I had a lovely salad and a potato pie. After dinner, I went on walk up to the hill of three crosses, where I saw many Lithuanian couples making out.

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