Friday 28 September 2007

Impressions of Riga

Riga is a very beautiful city, but much different from Vilnius. It definetly has a big-city feel to it, with five to six storey buildings everywhere. With the big city feel, the city feels rushed and impersonal. Vilnius felt smaller, and had a more laid-back atmosphere. Things are expensive here, and locals can be unfriendly at times. A lot of the city is run-down as well, especially outside of the center. The people here don't seem to be very happy, unlike the Vilnians. Overall, Riga is ok, but Vilnius has set the Baltic bar for me.

On the other hand, the hostel I stayed in here was great. While it was not as good as the one in Krakow, I nevertheless greatly enjoyed it. The good thing about this hostel (the Argonaut) is that there is a huge TV in the common room to watch movies on. This means that if you want to be anti-social, you can simply watch the movie that is playing. I was certainly doing this during the first part of Deja Vu, but towards the end it got so silly that I started to ignore it. The staff is also very friendly, and socialized with the people staying here.

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