Monday 10 September 2007

Ceske Budejovice

I arrived in Bedejovice after a short train trip. I chatted to Czech girl on the train who spoke very poor English. It was rather fun. Broken conversations are eminently more entertaining than regular ones. My hotel in Budejovice is very nice, and after having a quick shower (I avoided showering in Susice due to the fact the shower did not have curtain, thus creating an extremely unpleasant experience), headed out to the town square. Budejovice is a very nice town, and after lunch I walked about 45 minutes to the Budvar brewery for a beer tour. Unfortunately my guidebook is incorrect and stated that tour were available every hour, when in fact they are only available at two! Other than the beer tour, there really is very little to see here, and I am quite bored. I suppose this gives me an opportunity to do all my laundry. I can also happily report that my illness is gone.

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