Sunday 13 July 2008

Vientiane - Bangkok

I spent a dull morning in Vientiane visiting two of the cities' three sights of interest (no joke, there really are only three things to see). The first in an unfinished arch based on the Ard de Trimphe in Paris, but with Asian touches. The description board inside gave me a chuckle by describing it as ugly - monstrosity would be more appropriate. From there, I walked to a famous temple, which after so many other temples, was only moderately interesting. This is despite is being the most important temple in Laos. I had lunch at an excellent Cafe, where I had a sandwish, and hung out there for a couple of hours, as I was only getting picked up at 3:30 to go across the border. To my dismay, I was picked up by a Sontheauw. Thankfully, I was not too uncomfortable for the forty-five minute ride to the Friendship Bridge. The crossing went off without a hitch, and everyone got their train tickets.

One of the guys in our car said second class was bad, especially in the top bunk, which is what I had booked. In China, the top bunk is the most desirable for privacy reasons, but in Thailand it is actually cheaper. First class tickets were very expensive. The train definately had a different layout ot Chinese ones, but I was pleasantly surprised with second class. There only two bunks per side, unlike hard sleeper with three, and they were actually quite soft. Everything was very clean, and people were quiet. There no loud, drunk Chinese people talking loudly. The only problem was that they did not turn out the lights for the whole trip. Every compartment had a curtain though, and I made sure to use my blindfold. I slept extremely well, and woke up very refreshed the following morning.

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