Tuesday 15 July 2008

Bangkok - Day 3

I walked this morning to Wat Pho, location of the largest reclining Buddha in the world. I took the back route to avoid touts. The temple was like most of the others. The Buddha was indeed very large. I then took the boat across the river, to another temple, Wat Arun, which looks terrific from a distance, but is less interesting up close. I didn't bother paying the entrance fee. I'm all templed out now, at least of Thai temples. I can never get enough of Chinese temples. I caught te boat down the river to where the skytrain connects. I hopped on to go to a mall. I had run out of thin to do in Bangkok (short of day trips), so decided to go see a movie. I had lunch at one o e foodcourts again, which was excellent. And then went to the most luxurious movie theater I have ever seen. Tickets were half the price of the ones back home. After the movie (Wanted, which was excellent), I returned back the guesthouse and spent the rest of the evening relaxing. I traded some books in for Duma Key (Stephen King), anf got a terrific deal. I don't think the guy realized how much the book really cost.

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