Monday 14 July 2008

Bangkok - Day 2

I had breakfast at a street cafe near my hotel and noticed there was a Thia man sleeping on the street next to it. I was informed by a lady working there that he was a very bad man. The employees of the restaurant tried to get some tourists to pour water on him. They didn't bite. He was eventually woken up after he was kicked several times, and then twice tried to attack the lady who said he was bad. He was restrained both times and eventually left. I realized one of the cafe's female employees was a transsexual after she spoke with a deep male voice. I eventually got going and began to walk towards the Dusit palace, yet another royal abode. On my way, I was approached by a man who told me it would be closed until two (sure...) and that I should take a tuk-tuk tour around the city for ten baht. I declined. He did point me towards a wat with a very large Buddha statue, which was nice. I first went to the zoo, which was next to the palace complex. There were lots of schoolchildren there. Thai schoolgirls wear very provocative uniforms consisting of a miniskirts and tight, white blouses that turn see-through with sweat. There were a variety of animals in decent enclosures at the zoo. There, I had a disappointing lunch that was too expensive. Next door to the zoo is the Dusit palace, which I then went to. On the palace grounds are a variety of houses built for the royalty in the late 19th, early 20th century. Each one of those houses had some sort of exhibition involving the king. At each one I had to take off my shoes and put my bag in a locker. It became very tiresome. At the Vinanmek house, I had to all of this, and put pants on. I was also forced onto a guided tour. I have never gone to any tourist attractions that require so much preperation before going in. It is extremely irritating. The Vinanmek house was very nice though, being the largest building made of teak in the world.

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