Thursday 17 January 2008

Travel Woes

I arrived this morning at Lisbon's airport and was disappointed at how horrible it was for the departing passenger. Thank goodness there are plans afoot to build a new one. Apart from a twenty minute delay, I had no problem in getting to Frankfurt. My flight to Heathrow was another story. For some strange reason I had my passport stamped (I never left Schengen) and then had to go through security again near the gate. The gate was full of people and I was informed of a delay of at least an hour. Lufthansa did provide snacks for everyone, which was very nice. Near boarding time, everyone waiting was forced to move to a different section, and then go through passport control. It was a madhouse though, because another flight was boarding at the same time in the gate next door and the two line ups got mixed up. We were finally bused to the plane about an hour and a half after the flight was supposed to leave. On the plane, I finally found out the reason for the delay. Apparently a plane had crashed at Heathrow and one of the runways had been shutdown. After an hour on the tarmac, we left, and then spent twenty minutes in a holding pattern above London. On the bright side, my luggage was one of the first pieces to come out.

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