Thursday 10 January 2008

Sevilla - Granada

I woke up at eight, and of course was the first one awake in my room. I had breakfast (which at this hospital is just toast), and still seeing it was too early to leave for my train, went out and bought a newspaper. I ended up leving at about ten and waited an hour and half at the train station. The train ride was pleasant enough, and I arrived in Granada at three. I had some difficulty finding the hostel as it is located in the former Muslim quarter, which is like the medinas in Morocco, confusing. I also had to haul my bag up stairs, which was not pleasant. The hostel seems nice, but I was disheartened to find people still sleeping in my room. I am getting tired of hostels and their lack of privacy and am dithering over spending a bit more for a hotel in Madrid. Yes, there would be no one to talk to, but I wouldn´t have to worry about what to occupy my time and when to go to bed. The hostel offered a tour of Granada at five, which I attended. We walked up the hill and got a panorama of the Alhambra and saw where hippies lives in caves. Now I have to occupy my time somehow before yet another tapas tour at half past nine.

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