Wednesday 19 December 2007

Transportation Woes

This short three day trip with Harry has been full of unlucky transportation issues. On Monday morning we arrived at Heathrow with plenty of time to spare, and checked into our flight to Nice. We went through security, got something to eat and proceeded to wait for the gat to be called for our flight. Instead, it said the flight had been cancelled on the screen! We went to customer services and were informed that the captain was 'sick' and that we had been rebokked on a flight leaving an hour and a bit later. To make matters worse, the later flight was delayed by over an hour due to congestion at Heathrow. When we finally arrived in Nice it was 3:00, and it was too late to really take advantage of the daylight. The whole day was wasted.

Yesterday, in part because the book 'Perfume' is based there, we decided to go to Grasse, the perfume capital of the world. We arrived via train without any problems in the early afternoon, and spent a leisurly afternoon in Grasse with the intention of catching the 4:50 train back to Nice. When we arrived in the terminal we saw that it said 'supprime' next to the train time. We didn't realize this meant cancelled, but since there was a train twenty minutes later, we didn't worry. We waited in the cafe to avoid the cold. When the 5:10 train didn't come we went to ticket counter and were informed that it was also cancelled and that we should have taken a substitute bus that had already left! We had to wait another hour until the next substitute bus came, because the 6:00 train was also cancelled! We only got back into Nice at 8:00. Thank you unreliable French rail system!

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