Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Britsh Supermarkets

Since arriving in London, I've done a fair bit of shopping at supermarkets. In Hampstead, the only 'supermarket' isn't really a supermarket at all, but a very small Tesco Express. These small supermarkets, usually Tescos are Sainsbury's, are all over London. Perhaps because there is more space in Canada, such a concept does not exist. Nearly all the supermarkets are large and have a giant parking lot to go with them. In order to go to a proper supermarket, I have to walk fifteen minutes to Finchley Road, or else take the tube to Camden Town. At each of these locations there is a large Sainesbury's. While the size may be similar to most Canadian markets, the British ones are simply better in every way. The food they sell is of higher quality and is presented in an appealing way. I would never buy a salad at Safeway, because they look disgusting. However, the Sainesbury salads look delicious. Perhaps the best thing about the supermarkets here is the lack of lineups. There are tons of people working at the checkout stands, they are allowed to sit down, and they seem to be happy. There are a few strange things about the supermarkets, such as wrapping every single vegetable in plastic and not refrigerating eggs, but these are merely oddities. Overall, shopping in London is not an unpleasant experience.

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