Monday 28 April 2008

Beijing - Xian

We have a week long holiday at Tsinghua, that technically starts on Sunday the 27th of April. However, we decided to leave on Friday night and miss the Saturday class. I had purchased tickets for the train ten days earlier, recalling how difficult it was to get tickets for our prior trip to Henan. Martin is coming with me again for this trip, before going to the train station, we had a quick dinner at the Muslim restaurant. The train station was chaos as always, but we boarded our train an hour before it was to leave. For this train, I purchased soft sleepers to try out, as I've already been on hard sleepers, and wanted to see the alternative. Ironically, the soft sleepers aren't really any softer than the hard sleepers. Each compartment had four beds, each with their own TV. The bathroom facilities were not bad. Sharing our compartment was a couple and a small child. He was a bit noisy for a while, but eventually quieted down. Shortly before arriving into Xian, I saw Huashan from the train, which is a sacred mountain we intend to climb after visiting Xian. It was quite beautiful. I didn't sleep all that well on the train, and when we arrived just before nine in the morning, I was quite tired.

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