Monday 22 June 2009

A typical day at work

9:20: I arrive at work and see only two other employees have arrived. There are twelve people working in my section. I begin surfing the internet to pass the time.

10:00 By now there are seven of us. Where is everyone else?

10:30 I ask one of my co-workers if there is any work. He says that there might be some later after he had talked to some people

10:35: The phone rings repeatedly at the desk of someone who is away after about twenty rings I walked over, lift up the receiver and put it down. If they don’t pick up after a couple of rings, no one’s there!

11:00 I just found out there is a male employee here who is called Fish! Along with Orbit, Citrus, and Stoner, Fish is yet another on a long list of poorly chosen English names.

11:40 My first bit of work today. My coworker ushered me over because she couldn’t figure out how to write tone marks in Microsoft Word. It took me a minute to help her, and now I am back to browsing the internet.

12:15 I went to lunch with a fellow intern. We went to the cafeteria in the basement where we both got Korean food. The basement cafeteria is very poorly ventilated, and is quite smoky. I suggested we go to the nearby Altar of the Sun Park to eat. We had a lovely lunch in the tree-filled park.

1:15 Returned to work. I still have nothing to do.

2:25 My coworker begins cutting her hair. Apparently she needs to get rind of the ‘split ends’.

2:50 Another coworker gives me something to do. He forgot that I finished the work on Friday.

3:00 My boss has left already for the day!

3:15 My coworker (the same one who was cutting her hair) needs my help. I help her come up with an English slogan for an ad campaign for our company. I do most of the English work she gets.

4:00 My coworker sitting next to me is reading a magazine and watching videos. Her name is Vita, a bit of a strange name. I really want to go home

5:10 I’m pulled over to do some more English work. It takes me a few minutes.

5:30 Since my boss has left and there is no work, I leave half an hour early.